2022-04-24 14:32:58 +02:00

40 lines
1.1 KiB

# This builds defuse-crypto.phar. To run this Makefile, `box` and `composer`
# must be installed and in your $PATH. Run it from inside the dist/ directory.
box := $(shell which box)
composer := $(shell which composer)
gitcommit := $(shell git rev-parse HEAD)
.PHONY: all
all: build-phar
.PHONY: sign-phar
gpg -u DD2E507F7BDB1669 --armor --output defuse-crypto.phar.sig --detach-sig defuse-crypto.phar
# ensure we run in clean tree. export git tree and run there.
.PHONY: build-phar
@echo "Creating .phar from revision $(shell git rev-parse HEAD)."
rm -rf worktree
install -d worktree
(cd $(CURDIR)/..; git archive HEAD) | tar -x -C worktree
$(MAKE) -f $(CURDIR)/Makefile -C worktree defuse-crypto.phar
mv worktree/*.phar .
rm -rf worktree
.PHONY: clean
rm -vf defuse-crypto.phar defuse-crypto.phar.sig
# Inside workdir/:
defuse-crypto.phar: dist/box.json composer.lock
cp dist/box.json .
php -d phar.readonly=0 $(box) build -c box.json -v
$(composer) config autoloader-suffix $(gitcommit)
$(composer) install --no-dev