2022-04-24 14:32:58 +02:00

209 lines
7.3 KiB

{% set form = form ?? grav.session.getFlashObject('form') %}
{% set layout = layout ?? form.layout ?? 'default' %}
{% set field_layout = field_layout ?? layout %}
{# Keep here for Backwards Compatibility #}
{% include 'partials/form-messages.html.twig' %}
{% set scope = scope ?: form.scope is defined ? form.scope : 'data.' %}
{% set multipart = '' %}
{% set blueprints = blueprints ?? form.blueprint() %}
{% set method = form.method|upper|default('POST') %}
{% set client_side_validation = form.client_side_validation is not null ? form.client_side_validation : config.plugins.form.client_side_validation|defined(true) %}
{% set inline_errors = form.inline_errors is not null ? form.inline_errors : config.plugins.form.inline_errors(false) %}
{% set data = data ?? %}
{% set context = context ?? data %}
{% for field in form.fields %}
{% if (method == 'POST' and field.type == 'file') %}
{% set multipart = ' enctype="multipart/form-data"' %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% set action = action ?? (form.action ?: page.route ~ uri.params) %}
{% set action = (action starts with 'http') or (action starts with '#') ? action : base_url ~ action %}
{% set action = action|trim('/', 'right') %}
{% if (action == base_url_relative) %}
{% set action = base_url_relative ~ '/' %}
{% endif %}
{% if form.keep_alive %}
{% if grav.browser.browser == 'msie' and grav.browser.version < 12 %}
{% do assets.addJs('plugin://form/assets/object.assign.polyfill.js') %}
{% endif %}
{% do assets.addJs('plugin://form/assets/form.vendor.js', { 'group': 'bottom', 'loading': 'defer' }) %}
{% do assets.addJs('plugin://form/assets/form.min.js', { 'group': 'bottom', 'loading': 'defer' }) %}
{% endif %}
{% do assets.addInlineJs("
window.GravForm = window.GravForm || {};
window.GravForm.config = {
current_url: '" ~ grav.route.withoutParams() ~"',
current_params: " ~ grav.route.params|json_encode ~ ",
param_sep: '" ~ config.system.param_sep ~ "',
base_url_relative: '" ~ base_url_relative ~ "',
form_nonce: '" ~ form.getNonce() ~ "',
session_timeout: " ~ config.system.session.timeout ~ "
window.GravForm.translations = Object.assign({}, window.GravForm.translations || {}, { PLUGIN_FORM: {} });
", {'group': 'bottom', 'position': 'before', 'priority': 100}) %}
{# Backwards Compatibility for block overrides #}
{% set override_form_classes %}
{% block form_classes -%}
{{ form_outer_classes }} {{ form.classes }}
{%- endblock %}
{% endset %}
{% set override_inner_markup_fields_start %}
{% block inner_markup_fields_start %}{% endblock %}
{% endset %}
{% set override_inner_markup_fields_end %}
{% block inner_markup_fields_end %}{% endblock %}
{% endset %}
{% set override_inner_markup_fields %}
{% block inner_markup_fields %}
{% for field_name, field in form.fields %}
{% set field = prepare_form_field(field, field_name) %}
{% if field %}
{% set value = form ? form.value( : data.value( %}
{% set field_templates = include_form_field(field.type, field_layout) %}
{% block inner_markup_field_open %}{% endblock %}
{% block field %}
{% include field_templates ignore missing %}
{% endblock %}
{% block inner_markup_field_close %}{% endblock %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endblock %}
{% endset %}
{% set override_inner_markup_buttons_start %}
{% block inner_markup_buttons_start %}
<div class="{{ form_button_outer_classes ?: 'buttons'}}">
{% endblock %}
{% endset %}
{% set override_inner_markup_buttons_end %}
{% block inner_markup_buttons_end %}
{% endblock %}
{% endset %}
{# Embed for HTML layout #}
{% embed 'forms/layouts/form.html.twig' %}
{% block embed_form_core %}
name="{{ }}"
action="{{ action }}"
method="{{ method }}"{{ multipart|raw }}
{% if %}id="{{ }}"{% endif %}
{% if form.novalidate %}novalidate{% endif %}
{% if form.keep_alive %}data-grav-keepalive="true"{% endif %}
{% if form.attributes is defined %}
{% for key,attribute in form.attributes %}
{% if attribute|of_type('array') %}
{{ }}="{{ attribute.value|e('html_attr') }}"
{% else %}
{{ key }}="{{ attribute|e('html_attr') }}"
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
{% block embed_form_classes -%}
class="{{ parent() }} {{ override_form_classes|trim }}"
{%- endblock %}
{% block embed_form_custom_attributes %}
{% for k, v in blueprints.form.attributes %}
{{ k }}="{{ v|e }}"
{% endfor %}
{% endblock %}
{% block embed_fields %}
{{ override_inner_markup_fields_start|raw }}
{{ override_inner_markup_fields|raw }}
{% if form.isEnabled() ?? true %}
{% include include_form_field('formname', field_layout, 'hidden') %}
{% include include_form_field('formtask', field_layout, 'hidden') %}
{% include include_form_field('uniqueid', field_layout, 'hidden') %}
{% include include_form_field('nonce', field_layout, 'hidden') %}
{% endif %}
{{ override_inner_markup_fields_end|raw }}
{% endblock %}
{% block embed_buttons %}
{{ override_inner_markup_buttons_start|raw }}
{% if form.isEnabled() ?? true %}
{% for button in form.buttons %}
{% if not button.access or authorize(button.access) %}
{% if button.outerclasses is defined %}<div class="{{ button.outerclasses }}">{% endif %}
{% if button.url %}
{% set button_url = button.url starts with 'http' ? button.url : base_url ~ button.url %}
{% endif %}
{% embed 'forms/layouts/button.html.twig' %}
{% block embed_button_core %}
{% if %}id="{{ }}"{% endif %}
{% if button.disabled %}disabled="disabled"{% endif %}
{% if %}
name="{{ }}"
{% else %}
{% if button.task %}name="task" value="{{ button.task }}"{% endif %}
{% endif %}
type="{{ button.type|default('submit') }}"
{% if button.attributes is defined %}
{% for key,attribute in button.attributes %}
{% if attribute|of_type('array') %}
{{ }}="{{ attribute.value|e('html_attr') }}"
{% else %}
{{ key }}="{{ attribute|e('html_attr') }}"
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
{% block embed_button_classes %}
{% block button_classes %}
class="{{ form_button_classes ?: 'button' }} {{ button.classes }}"
{% endblock %}
{% endblock %}
{% block embed_button_content -%}
{%- set button_value = button.value|t|default('Submit') -%}
{%- if button.html -%}
{{- button_value|trim|raw -}}
{%- else -%}
{{- button_value|trim|e -}}
{%- endif -%}
{%- endblock %}
{% endembed %}
{% if button.outerclasses is defined %}</div>{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{{ override_inner_markup_buttons_end }}
{% endblock %}
{% endembed %}
{% if config.forms.dropzone.enabled %}
<div id="dropzone-template" style="display:none;">
{% include 'forms/dropzone/template.html.twig' %}
{% endif %}