2022-06-07 14:28:01 +02:00

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The Ultimate Hover Color Function
@author Gray Gilmore -
The goal of this Sass function is provide a hover color that works
with any color on any background. No longer do we need to bundle
hover color options with our themes, let Sassy McSasserson take care
of that for you.
The hover color, seen in this demo as "After" text, must be visible in
all situations and, hopefully, pass the WCAG 2.0 contrast ratio [1]
formula (4.5:1).
contrast-ratio() help from @davidkaneda
## Usage ##
a {
color: $link-color;
&:hover {
color: hover($background-color, $link-color);
button {
background: $button-background;
color: $button-color;
&:hover {
background: hover($background-color, $button-background);
## End Usage ##
@function color-luminance($value) {
@if $value <= 0.03928 {
@return $value / 12.92;
} @else {
@return ($value + 0.055)/1.055 * ($value + 0.055)/1.055;
@function luminosity($color) {
$r: color-luminance(red($color) / 255);
$g: color-luminance(green($color) / 255);
$b: color-luminance(blue($color) / 255);
@return 0.2126 * $r + 0.7152 * $g + 0.0722 * $b;
@function contrast-ratio($c1, $c2) {
$l1: luminosity($c1);
$l2: luminosity($c2);
@if $l2 > $l1 {
@return $l2 / $l1;
} @else {
@return $l1 / $l2;
@function contrast-color($background, $color) {
$style: '';
$hover-color: '';
$color-lightness: abs(lightness($color));
$background-lightness: abs(lightness($background));
$contrast: abs(contrast-ratio($background, $color));
@if $color-lightness == 100 {
/* White */
@if $background-lightness >= 90 {
$hover-color: darken($background, 15);
} @else {
$hover-color: mix($color, $background, 80);
} @else if $color-lightness == 0 {
/* Black */
@if $background-lightness < 10 {
$hover-color: lighten($background, 20);
} @else {
$hover-color: mix($color, $background, 60);
} @else if $background-lightness < $color-lightness {
/* Light text on dark background */
$style: 'lighten';
@if $color-lightness > 90 {
/* Color too light to lighten */
$hover-color: darken($color, 20);
$style: 'darken';
} @else {
$hover-color: lighten($color, 20);
} @else {
/* Dark text on light background */
$style: 'darken';
@if $color-lightness < 15 {
/* Color is too dark to further darken */
$hover-color: lighten($color, 20);
$style: 'lighten';
} @else {
$hover-color: darken($color, 20);
Sometimes the $hover-color won't have enough contrast
with the background. We'll try to fix this below by
increasing our darken/lighten range by +/- 5
/* Only test if the $color isn't white or black */
/*@if $color-lightness != 0 and $color-lightness != 100 {
$new-contrast: contrast-ratio($background, $hover-color);
@if $new-contrast < 8 {
@for $i from 15 to 25 {
@if $style == 'darken' {
$test-color: darken($color, $i);
} @else {
$test-color: lighten($color, $i);
$test-contrast: contrast-ratio($background, $test-color);
@if $test-contrast > $new-contrast {
$new-contrast: $test-contrast;
$hover-color: $test-color;
@return $hover-color;
// Precomputed linear color channel values, for use in contrast calculations.
// See
// Algorithm, for c in 0 to 255:
// f(c) {
// c = c / 255;
// return c < 0.03928 ? c / 12.92 : Math.pow((c + 0.055) / 1.055, 2.4);
// }
// This lookup table is needed since there is no `pow` in SASS.
* Calculate the luminance for a color.
* See
@function luminance($color) {
$red: nth($linear-channel-values, red($color) + 1);
$green: nth($linear-channel-values, green($color) + 1);
$blue: nth($linear-channel-values, blue($color) + 1);
@return .2126 * $red + .7152 * $green + .0722 * $blue;
* Calculate the contrast ratio between two colors.
* See
@function contrast($back, $front) {
$backLum: luminance($back) + .05;
$foreLum: luminance($front) + .05;
@return max($backLum, $foreLum) / min($backLum, $foreLum);
* Determine whether to use dark or light text on top of given color.
* Returns black for dark text and white for light text.
@function maximize-color-contrast($color) {
$lightContrast: contrast($color, white);
$darkContrast: contrast($color, black);
@if ($lightContrast > $darkContrast) {
@return white;
@else {
@return black;