parser.add_argument('--notebook',action='store_true',help='Launch the web UI in notebook mode, where the output is written to the same text box as the input.')
parser.add_argument('--model',type=str,help='Name of the model to load by default.')
parser.add_argument('--lora',type=str,help='Name of the LoRA to apply to the model by default.')
parser.add_argument("--model-dir",type=str,default='models/',help="Path to directory with all the models")
parser.add_argument("--lora-dir",type=str,default='loras/',help="Path to directory with all the loras")
parser.add_argument('--no-stream',action='store_true',help='Don\'t stream the text output in real time.')
parser.add_argument('--settings',type=str,help='Load the default interface settings from this json file. See settings-template.json for an example. If you create a file called settings.json, this file will be loaded by default without the need to use the --settings flag.')
parser.add_argument('--extensions',type=str,nargs="+",help='The list of extensions to load. If you want to load more than one extension, write the names separated by spaces.')
parser.add_argument('--verbose',action='store_true',help='Print the prompts to the terminal.')
parser.add_argument('--gpu-memory',type=str,nargs="+",help='Maxmimum GPU memory in GiB to be allocated per GPU. Example: --gpu-memory 10 for a single GPU, --gpu-memory 10 5 for two GPUs. You can also set values in MiB like --gpu-memory 3500MiB.')
parser.add_argument('--cpu-memory',type=str,help='Maximum CPU memory in GiB to allocate for offloaded weights. Same as above.')
parser.add_argument('--disk',action='store_true',help='If the model is too large for your GPU(s) and CPU combined, send the remaining layers to the disk.')
parser.add_argument('--disk-cache-dir',type=str,default="cache",help='Directory to save the disk cache to. Defaults to "cache".')
parser.add_argument('--bf16',action='store_true',help='Load the model with bfloat16 precision. Requires NVIDIA Ampere GPU.')
parser.add_argument('--no-cache',action='store_true',help='Set use_cache to False while generating text. This reduces the VRAM usage a bit at a performance cost.')
parser.add_argument('--wbits',type=int,default=0,help='GPTQ: Load a pre-quantized model with specified precision in bits. 2, 3, 4 and 8 are supported.')
parser.add_argument('--pre_layer',type=int,default=0,help='GPTQ: The number of layers to allocate to the GPU. Setting this parameter enables CPU offloading for 4-bit models.')
parser.add_argument('--warmup_autotune',action=argparse.BooleanOptionalAction,default=True,help='GPTQ: Enable warmup autotune. Only usable for triton.')
parser.add_argument("--pin-weight",type=str2bool,nargs="?",const=True,default=True,help="FlexGen: whether to pin weights (setting this to False reduces CPU memory by 20%%).")
parser.add_argument('--rwkv-strategy',type=str,default=None,help='RWKV: The strategy to use while loading the model. Examples: "cpu fp32", "cuda fp16", "cuda fp16i8".')
parser.add_argument('--rwkv-cuda-on',action='store_true',help='RWKV: Compile the CUDA kernel for better performance.')
parser.add_argument("--gradio-auth-path",type=str,help='Set the gradio authentication file path. The file should contain one or more user:password pairs in this format: "u1:p1,u2:p2,u3:p3"',default=None)