text-generation-webui/docs/new/Installation Instructions.md
2023-09-22 10:28:22 -07:00

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Run the "start" script. It will install the web UI and all of its dependencies inside this folder.

To launch the web UI in the future after it is already installed, run the "start" script again.

Updating the web UI

Run the "update" script. It will install the updates only, so it should be much faster than the initial installation.

Adding flags like --model, --api, etc

Open the "CMD_FLAGS.txt" file with a text editor, add your flags, and save the file. For instance, to add the --api flag, change the file contents to


Running an interactive shell

Sometimes you may need to install some additional Python package. To do that, run the "cmd" script and type your commands inside the terminal window that will appear.

Using an AMD GPU in Linux

Requires ROCm SDK 5.4.2 or 5.4.3 to be installed. Some systems may also need: sudo apt-get install libstdc++-12-dev

Edit the "webui.py" script using a text editor and un-comment and modify the lines near the top of the script according to your setup. In particular, modify the os.environ["ROCM_PATH"] = '/opt/rocm' line to point to your ROCm installation.

WSL special instructions

If you do not have WSL installed, see here: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/wsl/install

If you want to install Linux to a drive other than C Open powershell and enter these commands:

cd D:\Path\To\Linux $ProgressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue' Invoke-WebRequest -Uri -OutFile Linux.appx -UseBasicParsing mv Linux.appx Linux.zip

Then open Linux.zip and you should see several .appx files inside. The one with _x64.appx contains the exe installer that you need. Extract the contents of that _x64.appx file and run .exe to install.

Linux Distro URLs: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/wsl/install-manual#downloading-distributions


Do this by using these commands: wsl -l wsl -s

Web UI Installation

Run the "start" script. By default it will install the web UI in WSL: /home/{username}/text-gen-install

To launch the web UI in the future after it is already installed, run the same "start" script. Ensure that webui.py and wsl.sh are next to it!

Updating the web UI

As an alternative to running the "update" script, you can also run "wsl.sh update" in WSL.

Running an interactive shell

To run an interactive shell in the miniconda environment, run the "cmd" script. This is useful for installing additional requirements manually.

As an alternative to running the "cmd" script, you can also run "wsl.sh cmd" in WSL.

Changing the default install location

To change this, you will need to edit the scripts as follows: wsl.sh: line ~22 INSTALL_DIR="/path/to/install/dir"

Keep in mind that there is a long-standing bug in WSL that significantly slows drive read/write speeds when using a physical drive as opposed to the virtual one that Linux is installed in.