2020-11-13 17:15:03 +01:00

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Powershell scripting

Use PowerShell ISE to develop PowerShell scripts

Comparison operators

operator description
-eq equals
-ne not equals
-gt greather than
-ge greater or equals to
-lt less than
-le less or equals to


Initialise arrays like this:

$(arrayname) = @("item1", "item2", "item3")

There are two methods for looping over arrays:

Method 1

foreach ($(itemname) in $(arrayname)) {
    //To get the item from the array use $(itemname)

Method 2

for ($i = 0; $i -lt $(arrayname).count; $i++) {
    //To get the item from the array use $(arrayname)[$i]

Operations in the filesystem

Test whether a file or directory exists

Test-Path "(path)"


Create a new file

New-Item -Path "(filepath)" -ItemType File

Remove a file

Remove-Item "(filepath)"

Set file content

Set-Content "(filepath)" ("(content)")

Example using multiple lines

Set-Content "C:\temp\test.txt" ("This is a very complex sentence. " + "`r`n" + "This sentence should be on the second line.")

Apend content to a file

Add-Content "(filepath)" ("(content)")

Show a file's content

Get-Content "(filepath)"


Create new directory

New-Item -Path "(directorypath)" -ItemType Directory

Remove directory including contained files

Remove-Item "(directorypath)" -Recurse

Copy directory

Copy-Item "(inputpath)" -Recurse "(destinationpath)"


Powershell Remoting
Running Remote Commands

Allow recieving remote commands

Run as Administrator
IMPORTANT: Network must not be set to public


Add to trusted list

Clients have to be added to the trusted list if there are no other authentication methods used.
Multiple clients can be added when separated by commas.
Note: The command below overwrites every other value set in "trustedhosts".

Set-Item WSMan:localhost\client\trustedhosts -value '(ip address/hostname)'


Set-Item WSMan:localhost\client\trustedhosts -value ',win10-2-lin,,win10-3-lin'

Run command on multiple remote pcs

Invoke-Command -ComputerName (pc1), (pc2) -ScriptBlock {(command)}
Invoke-Command -ComputerName (pc1), (pc2) -ScriptBlock {(command1)

Example for issuing multiple commands after each other:
">>" is added automatically on newline

Invoke-Command -ComputerName win10-2-lin, win10-3-lin -ScriptBlock {cd c:\Users\admin
>> New-Item "test.txt" -ItemType File}

Run script on multiple remote pcs

Invoke-Command -ComputerName (pc1), (pc2) -FilePath 'path\to\script'