2022-05-11 21:19:02 +02:00

3.4 KiB

Project Structure

Table of Contents


The overall structure of this project.

|- __tests__/: Mixin spec test
|- icons/: Icons, illustrations
|- css/: Build result of SCSS Files
|- docs/: Development Documents
|- src/: Source files
|- src/leptonChrome.scss: Entry of SCSS for Browser UI
|- src/leptonContent.scss: Entry of SCSS for Web pages
|- .gitattributes: Exclude at `Download Zip`
|- .github: Issue/PR Template, Github Actions
|- .prettierignore: Exclude coding style
|- .prettierrc.json: Coding style
|- install.ps1: Install script write in powersehll
|- Install script write in bash
|- package.json: Build setup, package dependency
|- LEPTON: Meta infos (branch, version)
|- user.js: about:config settings
|- userChrome.css: Entry of css for Browser UI (Don't modify directly!!)
|- userContent.css: Entry of css for Web pages (Don't modify directly!!)
|- yarn.lock: Auto generated dependency (Don't modify directly!!)

Icon files

Most of them are made in SVG.

Except for illustrations, there must be an fill="context-fill" fill-opacity="context-fill-opacity" property to dynamically determine color and transparency.

Icons are mainly FirefoxUX/photon-icons or microsoft/fluentui-system-icons.
Although not yet used, tabler/tabler-icons and feathericons/feather can also be referred to.

You can see more in the issue, Unify icon design langauge #213.

Install Scripts

Meta Info files

It comes from

LEPTON file format

If this file exist in same directory as the userChrome.css file, it is recognized as the "Lepton" installation directory.

Branch=master | photon-style | proton-style
Ver=<git tag> | <git hash> | [NULL]

lepton.ini file Format

In lepton.ini, various information is stored during the installation process.
This file is recreated every time the installer is created.

[Profile Name]
Type=Local | Release | Git
Branch=master | photon-style | proton-style
Ver=<git tag> | <git hash> | [NULL]
Path=<Full PATH>

Update Policy according to Type

  • Local(unknown): force latest commit update
  • Release(): force latest tag update
  • Git: latest commit update


Inspired by arkenfox.
These files need to use a shell script and has some priorities.

CSS override settings(userChrome-overrides.css, userContent-overrides.css) are relatively simple.

  • ./<CSS_OVERRIDES> (Will be copied <FIREFOX_PROFILE>/chrome/)

user-overrides.js needs to use a shell script and has some priorities.

  • <FIREFOX_PROFILE>/user-overrides.js
  • ./user-overrides.js (Will be copied <FIREFOX_PROFILE>/chrome/)
  • <FIREFOX_PROFILE>/chrome/user-overrides.js