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VNC true vnc-linux-pic1-example.png


Linux Server

For the VNC Server we will be using tightVNC.
# apt install tightvncserver

Initial setup and starting VNC server

You will have to enter a password
Optionally, a view-only password can be created as well.

Kill VNC server
vncserver -kill :1

Edit the xstartup file in .vnc to your liking.

Example with xfce


xrdb $HOME/.Xresources
exec startxfce4

Change password


You can also add a view-only password

Windows Server

Install tightVNC to get a VNC Client and also a VNC Server in one package for windows.
The server will be started automatically.

One important setting is Require VNC authentication, which allows you to define a password for viewing and interacting with the remote pc.

Linux Client

Install Remmina with libvncserver to get client functionality.
# pacman -S remmina libvncserver
Picture showing the usage of VNC with Remmina

Windows Client

Install tightVNC to get a VNC Client and also a VNC Server in one package for windows.