2023-05-12 15:06:01 +02:00

14 KiB



  • Add AsMessageHandler attribute for declaring message handlers on PHP 8.
  • Add support for handling messages in batches with BatchHandlerInterface and corresponding trait
  • Add StopWorkerExceptionInterface and its implementation StopWorkerException to stop the worker.
  • Add support for resetting container services after each messenger message.
  • Added WorkerMetadata class which allows you to access the configuration details of a worker, like queueNames and transportNames it consumes from.
  • New method getMetadata() was added to Worker class which returns the WorkerMetadata object.
  • Deprecate not setting the reset_on_message config option, its default value will change to true in 6.0
  • Add log when worker should stop.
  • Add log when SIGTERM is received.


  • Add the RouterContextMiddleware to restore the original router context when handling a message
  • InMemoryTransport can perform message serialization through dsn in-memory://?serialize=true.
  • Added queues option to Worker to only fetch messages from a specific queue from a receiver implementing QueueReceiverInterface.


  • The RedeliveryStamp will no longer be populated with error data. This information is now stored in the ErrorDetailsStamp instead.
  • Added FlattenExceptionNormalizer to give more information about the exception on Messenger background processes. The FlattenExceptionNormalizer has a higher priority than ProblemNormalizer and it is only used when the Messenger serialization context is set.
  • Added factory methods DelayStamp::delayFor(\DateInterval) and DelayStamp::delayUntil(\DateTimeInterface).
  • Removed the exception when dispatching a message with a DispatchAfterCurrentBusStamp and not in a context of another dispatch call
  • Added WorkerMessageRetriedEvent
  • Added WorkerMessageReceivedEvent::setEnvelope() and made event mutable


  • Moved AmqpExt transport to package symfony/amqp-messenger. All classes in Symfony\Component\Messenger\Transport\AmqpExt have been moved to Symfony\Component\Messenger\Bridge\Amqp\Transport
  • Moved Doctrine transport to package symfony/doctrine-messenger. All classes in Symfony\Component\Messenger\Transport\Doctrine have been moved to Symfony\Component\Messenger\Bridge\Doctrine\Transport
  • Moved RedisExt transport to package symfony/redis-messenger. All classes in Symfony\Component\Messenger\Transport\RedisExt have been moved to Symfony\Component\Messenger\Bridge\Redis\Transport
  • Added support for passing a \Throwable argument to RetryStrategyInterface methods. This allows to define strategies based on the reason of the handling failure.
  • Added StopWorkerOnFailureLimitListener to stop the worker after a specified amount of failed messages is reached.
  • Added RecoverableExceptionInterface interface to force retry.


  • The LoggingMiddleware class has been removed, pass a logger to SendMessageMiddleware instead.
  • made SendersLocator require a ContainerInterface as 2nd argument


  • Added support for auto trimming of Redis streams.
  • InMemoryTransport handle acknowledged and rejected messages.
  • Made all dispatched worker event classes final.
  • Added support for from_transport attribute on messenger.message_handler tag.
  • Added support for passing dbindex as a query parameter to the redis transport DSN.
  • Added WorkerStartedEvent and WorkerRunningEvent
  • [BC BREAK] Removed SendersLocatorInterface::getSenderByAlias added in 4.3.
  • [BC BREAK] Removed $retryStrategies argument from Worker::__construct.
  • [BC BREAK] Changed arguments of ConsumeMessagesCommand::__construct.
  • [BC BREAK] Removed $senderClassOrAlias argument from RedeliveryStamp::__construct.
  • [BC BREAK] Removed UnknownSenderException.
  • [BC BREAK] Removed WorkerInterface.
  • [BC BREAK] Removed $onHandledCallback of Worker::run(array $options = [], callable $onHandledCallback = null).
  • [BC BREAK] Removed StopWhenMemoryUsageIsExceededWorker in favor of StopWorkerOnMemoryLimitListener.
  • [BC BREAK] Removed StopWhenMessageCountIsExceededWorker in favor of StopWorkerOnMessageLimitListener.
  • [BC BREAK] Removed StopWhenTimeLimitIsReachedWorker in favor of StopWorkerOnTimeLimitListener.
  • [BC BREAK] Removed StopWhenRestartSignalIsReceived in favor of StopWorkerOnRestartSignalListener.
  • The component is not marked as @experimental anymore.
  • Marked the MessengerDataCollector class as @final.
  • Added support for DelayStamp to the redis transport.


  • Added NonSendableStampInterface that a stamp can implement if it should not be sent to a transport. Transport serializers must now check for these stamps and not encode them.
  • [BC BREAK] SendersLocatorInterface has an additional method: getSenderByAlias().
  • Removed argument ?bool &$handle = false from SendersLocatorInterface::getSenders
  • A new ListableReceiverInterface was added, which a receiver can implement (when applicable) to enable listing and fetching individual messages by id (used in the new "Failed Messages" commands).
  • Both SenderInterface::send() and ReceiverInterface::get() should now (when applicable) add a TransportMessageIdStamp.
  • Added WorkerStoppedEvent dispatched when a worker is stopped.
  • Added optional MessageCountAwareInterface that receivers can implement to give information about how many messages are waiting to be processed.
  • [BC BREAK] The Envelope::__construct() signature changed: you can no longer pass an unlimited number of stamps as the second, third, fourth, arguments etc: stamps are now an array passed to the second argument.
  • [BC BREAK] The MessageBusInterface::dispatch() signature changed: a second argument array $stamps = [] was added.
  • Added new messenger:stop-workers command that sends a signal to stop all messenger:consume workers.
  • [BC BREAK] The TransportFactoryInterface::createTransport() signature changed: a required 3rd SerializerInterface argument was added.
  • Added a new SyncTransport to explicitly handle messages synchronously.
  • Added AmqpStamp allowing to provide a routing key, flags and attributes on message publishing.
  • [BC BREAK] Removed publishing with a routing_key option from queue configuration, for AMQP. Use exchange default_publish_routing_key or AmqpStamp instead.
  • [BC BREAK] Changed the queue option in the AMQP transport DSN to be queues[name]. You can therefore name the queue but also configure binding_keys, flags and arguments.
  • [BC BREAK] The methods get, ack, nack and queue of the AMQP Connection have a new argument: the queue name.
  • Added optional parameter prefetch_count in connection configuration, to setup channel prefetch count.
  • New classes: RoutableMessageBus, AddBusNameStampMiddleware and BusNameStamp were added, which allow you to add a bus identifier to the Envelope then find the correct bus when receiving from the transport. See ConsumeMessagesCommand.
  • The optional $busNames constructor argument of the class ConsumeMessagesCommand was removed.
  • [BC BREAK] 3 new methods were added to ReceiverInterface: ack(), reject() and get(). The methods receive() and stop() were removed.
  • [BC BREAK] Error handling was moved from the receivers into Worker. Implementations of ReceiverInterface::handle() should now allow all exceptions to be thrown, except for transport exceptions. They should also not retry (e.g. if there's a queue, remove from the queue) if there is a problem decoding the message.
  • [BC BREAK] RejectMessageExceptionInterface was removed and replaced by Symfony\Component\Messenger\Exception\UnrecoverableMessageHandlingException, which has the same behavior: a message will not be retried
  • The default command name for ConsumeMessagesCommand was changed from messenger:consume-messages to messenger:consume
  • ConsumeMessagesCommand has two new optional constructor arguments
  • [BC BREAK] The first argument to Worker changed from a single ReceiverInterface to an array of ReceiverInterface.
  • Worker has 3 new optional constructor arguments.
  • The Worker class now handles calling pcntl_signal_dispatch() the receiver no longer needs to call this.
  • The AmqpSender will now retry messages using a dead-letter exchange and delayed queues, instead of retrying via nack()
  • Senders now receive the Envelope with the SentStamp on it. Previously, the Envelope was passed to the sender and then the SentStamp was added.
  • SerializerInterface implementations should now throw a Symfony\Component\Messenger\Exception\MessageDecodingFailedException if decode() fails for any reason.
  • [BC BREAK] The default Serializer will now throw a MessageDecodingFailedException if decode() fails, instead of the underlying exceptions from the Serializer component.
  • Added PhpSerializer which uses PHP's native serialize() and unserialize() to serialize messages to a transport
  • [BC BREAK] If no serializer were passed, the default serializer changed from Serializer to PhpSerializer inside AmqpReceiver, AmqpSender, AmqpTransport and AmqpTransportFactory.
  • Added TransportException to mark an exception transport-related
  • [BC BREAK] If listening to exceptions while using AmqpSender or AmqpReceiver, \AMQPException is no longer thrown in favor of TransportException.
  • Deprecated LoggingMiddleware, pass a logger to SendMessageMiddleware instead.
  • [BC BREAK] Connection::__construct() and Connection::fromDsn() both no longer have $isDebug arguments.
  • [BC BREAK] The Amqp Transport now automatically sets up the exchanges and queues by default. Previously, this was done when in "debug" mode only. Pass the auto_setup connection option to control this.
  • Added a SetupTransportsCommand command to setup the transports
  • Added a Doctrine transport. For example, use the doctrine://default DSN (this uses the default Doctrine entity manager)
  • [BC BREAK] The getConnectionConfiguration method on Amqp's Connection has been removed.
  • [BC BREAK] A HandlerFailedException exception will be thrown if one or more handler fails.
  • [BC BREAK] The HandlersLocationInterface::getHandlers method needs to return HandlerDescriptor instances instead of callables.
  • [BC BREAK] The HandledStamp stamp has changed: handlerAlias has been renamed to handlerName, getCallableName has been removed and its constructor only has 2 arguments now.
  • [BC BREAK] The ReceivedStamp needs to exposes the name of the transport from which the message has been received.


  • Added HandleTrait leveraging a message bus instance to return a single synchronous message handling result
  • Added HandledStamp & SentStamp stamps
  • All the changes below are BC BREAKS
  • Senders and handlers subscribing to parent interfaces now receive all matching messages, wildcard included
  • MessageBusInterface::dispatch(), MiddlewareInterface::handle() and SenderInterface::send() return Envelope
  • MiddlewareInterface::handle() now require an Envelope as first argument and a StackInterface as second
  • EnvelopeAwareInterface has been removed
  • The signature of Amqp* classes changed to take a Connection as a first argument and an optional Serializer as a second argument.
  • MessageSubscriberInterface::getHandledMessages() return value has changed. The value of an array item needs to be an associative array or the method name.
  • StampInterface replaces EnvelopeItemInterface and doesn't extend Serializable anymore
  • The ConsumeMessagesCommand class now takes an instance of Psr\Container\ContainerInterface as first constructor argument
  • The EncoderInterface and DecoderInterface have been replaced by a unified Symfony\Component\Messenger\Transport\Serialization\SerializerInterface.
  • Renamed EnvelopeItemInterface to StampInterface
  • Envelope's constructor and with() method now accept StampInterface objects as variadic parameters
  • Renamed and moved ReceivedMessage, ValidationConfiguration and SerializerConfiguration in the Stamp namespace
  • Removed the WrapIntoReceivedMessage class
  • MessengerDataCollector::getMessages() returns an iterable, not just an array anymore
  • HandlerLocatorInterface::resolve() has been removed, use HandlersLocator::getHandlers() instead
  • SenderLocatorInterface::getSenderForMessage() has been removed, use SendersLocator::getSenders() instead
  • Classes in the Middleware\Enhancers sub-namespace have been moved to the Middleware one
  • Classes in the Asynchronous\Routing sub-namespace have been moved to the Transport\Sender\Locator sub-namespace
  • The Asynchronous/Middleware/SendMessageMiddleware class has been moved to the Middleware namespace
  • SenderInterface has been moved to the Transport\Sender sub-namespace
  • The ChainHandler and ChainSender classes have been removed
  • ReceiverInterface and its implementations have been moved to the Transport\Receiver sub-namespace
  • ActivationMiddlewareDecorator has been renamed ActivationMiddleware
  • AllowNoHandlerMiddleware has been removed in favor of a new constructor argument on HandleMessageMiddleware
  • The ContainerHandlerLocator, AbstractHandlerLocator, SenderLocator and AbstractSenderLocator classes have been removed
  • Envelope::all() takes a new optional $stampFqcn argument and returns the stamps for the specified FQCN, or all stamps by their class name
  • Envelope::get() has been renamed Envelope::last()


  • Introduced the component as experimental