1.2 KiB
title | visible |
PKGBUILD | true |
TODO: patching
Get hashsums:
makepkg -g
Build package:
Build package with AUR dependencies:
Officially, AUR-helpers are not recommended and AUR-dependencies should be downloaded manually
paru -U
Afterwards install with paru -U <package>.tar.zst
Install dependencies:
makepkg -s
Install package after successful build:
makepkg -i
Just extract package and run prepare()
Don't extract package and don't run prepare()
makepkg --printsrcinfo > .SRCINFO
Using paru to build package in clean chroot and install
paru --chroot -Ui
Upload new package
Initialise new repo with master
git -c init.defaultbranch=master init
Add remote for AUR and fetch to initialise
git remote add aur ssh://aur@aur.archlinux.org/[PKGBASE].git
git fetch aur